Sunday Lunch

Black Horse Hotel

Available from 12PM - 5PM, every Sunday.

!!! Served alongside our full menu !!!

Slow Roasted Topside of Beef 19.95

Roast of The Day 17.95

Wellington (V, VE, N) 17.95

Kids Roast 9.95

All served with crispy polenta roasted rosemary & garlic potatoes, seasonal vegetables, Yorkshire Pudding and traditional gravy.


Baked Bubble & Squeak 5.50

Mint Buttered New Potatoes 5.00

Cauliflower & Broccoli Three Cheese 5.50

Garlic & Honey Roasted Root Vegetables 5.50

Buttered Winter Greens 5.00

Extra Yorkshire Pudding 1.50

Pigs in Blankets 4.95

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